GreenTech Metals Limited (ASX:GRE)

Discovering Tomorrow's Metal Today.

About Us

GreenTech Metals is a Western Australian mineral exploration company established to discover and develop projects to supply the battery minerals required to support the electrification the climate crisis demands. The company has a suite of projects, highlighted by its flagship Whundo project and associated prospects within the VMS cluster

Company Overview

GreenTech Metals Limited is an exploration and development company established to discover, develop and acquire resource projects to supply the growing demand from global electrification – driven largely by energy storage via batteries and electric vehicles.

The green energy transition is underway and will require substantially more metal supply for the electrification of the global vehicle fleet and for the massive investment in the electrical grid, renewable energy infrastructure and storage.

With a high-quality suite of Ni, Cu and PGE assets in the underexplored West Pilbara region of Western Australia, the Company will also seek to acquire additional projects to feed the metal required for the manufacture of batteries and electric vehicles, such as lithium, rare earths, and other specialty metals from projects located both in Australia and overseas.

GreenTech Metals Limited

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